Core Connexion Wednesdays in Berkeley – weekly: free your body – free your dance – dance your life

  • 2025-02-12 10:30 AM PST
  • Western Sky Studio (2525 eighth Street, USA)

Free your body – free your dance – dance your life!

Every Wednesday

If you like to participate, please send us a mail through the contact link before!!!

Free your body – free your dance… and playing with variation…

Classes are held by Eva Vigran and Deborah Parker

Time: 10:30 am – noon
Location: Western Sky Studio at 2525 8th Street, Berkeley
Cost: $25  full price, $20 reduced price

Payment below via PayPal or cash at the door

Bring: a blanket and water

Our offerings focus on inhabiting the body and the creative aspect of movement and expression as an update for our bodies and psyche. We tune the body through specific movement series developing body awareness and explore the full connectivity within the body. Consciously moving this way we rewire our body-brain connection in ways that support our presence, vitality, creativity and clarity. We build repertoire of movement, feeling and thinking. Becoming creative and letting the body tell its story through movement, voice and drawing, we digest what was, clarify what is and find new creative ways for what can be. Together we dive into the river of dance … supporting each other in the healing energy field of a conscious, heart-felt and embodied community. Let’s dance our lives from our Core!

Step 1: Payment / Schritt 1: Zahlung

$25 full price

$20 reduced price

Step 2: Get link / Schritt 2: Link erhalten