Audio, Video & Recommended Reading
Eva’s Soundcloud Channel with music for you to dance to and talks about Core Connexion
Eva’s talks on Soundcloud:
Music for your inspiration… More on mix cloud
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Bibliography for Core Connexion Training
Recommended Readings
- Angeles Arrien:
- The Four Fold Way, 1993 San Francisco
- Gratitude
- The second half of life
- Flora Bowley: Creative Revolution… and other books on painting
- Tara Brach:
- Radical Acceptance, New York 2003
- True Refuge, 2012
- Stuart Brown: Play, how it shapes the brain, opens the Imagination, …
- Richard D. Carson: Taming your Gremlin, 1983, New York, funny and clever.
- Pema Chodron:
- When Things fall apart….
- The places that scare you
- Norman Doidge: The brain that changes itself.
- Barbara Ehrenreich: Dancing in the Streets – a history of collective joy
- Donna Farhi: Yoga Mind, Body and Spirit – A return to wholeness
- Linda Graham: Bouncing Back, Rewiring your brain for maximum resilience and well-being
- Anna Halprin: Returning to Health (very good! some lesson plans are in it too).
- Daria Halprin: The expressive body in life, art and therapy
- Peggy Hackney: Making Connections: Total Body Integration Through Bartenieff
Rick - Rick Hanson + Richard Mendius: Buddha’s Brain, 2009 Oakland
- Rick Hanson: Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and
Confidence, 2013 - Jack Kornfield:
- The wise Heart (Buddhist Psychology)
- No time like the present
- Mirka Knaster: Discovering the Body’s Wisdom, 1996, New York
- Anodea Judith: Charge
- Stephen Levine: A Year to Live, 1997 New York
- Peter Levine:
- Waking the Tiger (Trauma and the Body)!
- Healing Trauma
- Daniel J. Levitin: I heard there was a secret chord – Music as Medicine, 2024
- Richard Moss: The mandala of being
- Andrea Olsen: Body Stories
- Wendy Palmer:
- The intuitive Body, 1994, North Atlantic Books, Whole Book, Berkeley
- Livia Shapiro: The somatic therapy workbook, 2020
- Philip Shepherd: New Self New World, Recovering our senses in the twenty-first century,
2010 - Jill Bolte Taylor: My Stroke of Insight, 2006
- Thich Nhat Hanh: (All interesting and the world needs more of this)
- Kaira Jewel Lingo: We are made for these times.
- Jon Kabat Zinn: (all good), Buddhist Teacher and stress management clinic
- Angeles Arrien:
Eva’s Favorite Dance movies:
- Anna Halprin:
- Breath made visible
- Returning Home
- Wardance: Documentary about children in refugee camps, using dance as a means of
healing their trauma - Rize: Documentary on inner City kids, using dance to work with aggression creatively
- Billy Eliot: fiction, sweet movie about a miner’s kid in Scottland, his journey into the dance
- Pina: Dance, dance … otherwise we are lost. Documentary about the Choreographer Pina
Bausch - Rise – En Corps, 2022, a journey of a young woman from Ballet to expressive dance!! (French)